Clever Solar Devices Leads the Transformation of Photovoltaic Solar Energy

In the competitive and dynamic world of energy innovation, Clever Solar Devices stands out as one of the most disruptive startups, redefining the photovoltaic industry since its founding in 2019. Inspired by the vision of its CEO and founder, Bhishma Hernández, the company was created to address inefficiencies in the manual processes of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) for solar plants, a challenge that accounted for up to 30% of operational costs and exposed technicians to risks associated with high voltages, extreme temperatures, and challenging terrains.
Our technological solution transforms these challenges into opportunities. We have developed an advanced tool that fully digitizes the maintenance of photovoltaic solar installations. This not only optimizes processes but also enhances data accuracy and enables faster, more informed strategic decisions. We focus on precisely diagnosing photovoltaic modules and key components such as solar trackers and inverters, delivering results never before seen in the industry.
At Clever Solar Devices, we firmly believe that innovation must go hand in hand with sustainability and efficiency. Our approach not only improves the operational performance of solar installations but also reinforces operator safety, setting a new standard in the sector.
The impact of our work has been recognized at prestigious forums such as South Summit Bilbao, where we presented our project to experts and investors, solidifying our position as leaders in the transition toward a sustainable and technologically advanced energy future.
We remain committed to driving the development of solutions that not only benefit the industry but also contribute to a cleaner and more efficient world. Discover how Clever Solar Devices is transforming solar energy and leading the change toward a brighter future!